Homer Garden Club
Officers' Duties
The president is the presiding officer for all meetings of the club and for board meetings
The president shall be knowledgeable of the constitution and by-laws of the club and use these as guidelines when conducting the business of the club.
The president calls for a minimum of four board meetings per year.
The president may be a co-signer on checks.
The president appoints standing and short-term committees.
The president is ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
The president answers and sends, or delegates, official correspondence on behalf of HGC (such as thank you notes, inquiries, requests, etc.)
The president is responsible for the overall well-being and smooth running of the organization.
The president is a board member during the tenure of the subsequent president
1984 Aileen Kirkpatrick
1985-86 Rosemary Fitzpatrick
1987-88 Toby Tyler
1989 Jack Walsh
1990 Lizabeth Johnson
1991 Toby Tyler and Janie Myers
1992 Cathy Ulmer
1993 Vicky Hodnick
1994-96 Rose Mary Beck
1997-98 Ty Gates
1999-00 Bev Guyton
2001-02 Shirley Forquer
2003-09 Brenda Adams
2010-13 Jack Regan
2014 Jessica Ryan
2015-17 Francie Roberts
2018-23 Kathy Dube
The vice-president (VP) presides over club meetings and board meetings in the absence of the president and may be a co-signer on checks if selected by the President.
The VP is the Program Committee Chairperson. The committee consists of the VP and one member at large.
As program chair, s/he communicates with all presenters and acts as host/hostess to the presenter on the day of the meeting.
S/he arranges for presentation needs such as projectors, handouts, etc. as well as a thank you gift and card for the presenter. S/he also reserves and arranges payment for the meeting room for each regular meeting.
S/he notifies the HGC Newsletter Editor of events two weeks in advance.
S/he notifies the publicity person of events, in writing, at least two weeks in advance.
In the case of the resignation of the president, the VP would automatically become the acting president assuming all responsibilities listed for the president and would complete the term of the resigning president. In this case, a new program person would be selected or the other committee members could assume this task.
1984 Jeanne McArther
1985-86 Josie Bills
1987-88 Ted Reynolds
1989 Diane Reinert
1990 J.David Sneed
1991 Toby Tyler and Janie Myers
1992-93 Rosemary Fitzpatrick 1993
1994 Joan Ellington
1995 Edith Hawkey
1996-98 Rita Jo Shoultz
1999-00 Rose Beck
2001-02 Rosie Burgess and Teena Garay
2003-08 Teena Garay
2009-12 Neil Wagner
2013 Jessica Ryan
2014 Francie Roberts and Joan Splinter
2015 Tony Burgess and Joan Splinter
2016-17 Tim Quinn and Joan Splinter
2018-21 Jan Peyton and Sally Coleman
2022 Jan Peyton and Janice
2023 Jan Peyton
The treasurer is the chief financial officer.
The treasurer collects and distributes all funds of the club.
The treasurer keeps accurate financial records.
The treasurer co-signs all checks for the HGC.
The treasurer will make a financial report at each membership and board meeting and annual meeting or, if unavailable, designate another officer to do so.
The treasurer will have the books closed and ready for annual audit by October 31st.
The treasurer will advise the board on all financial matters having the fiscal well-being of the HGC in mind.
The treasurer will advise board committees on financial requests and expenditures.
When financial requests are made, the guidelines for grant requests shall be followed.
Prior to the new fiscal year (October 1st) the treasurer will prepare a draft budget for consideration by the new Board for the new fiscal year.
The treasurer will provide the Social Secretary and the Gardener’s Weekend Chair a KPB tax exempt certificate (card) when the cards become available for the next calendar year, no later than January 10th.
The treasurer will file reports as required by our borough, state, and the federal government.
The treasurer will prepare a year-end treasurer report no later than 15 days after the end of our fiscal year.
1984 Shirley Forquer
1985 Harold Gnad
1987-88 Edna Fisk
1989 Betty Schmidt
1990-92 Joy Post
1993-96 Brian Bennett
1997-02 Tracy Asselin
2003 Rita Jo Shoultz
2004-05 Pat Gross
2006-14 Peggy Craig
2015-17 Peggy Pittman
2018-23 Louise Ashmun
2023- Louise Ashmun/Kendall DellaSperenza
The recording secretary records minutes of general membership meetings and reads past minutes at all meetings. The Board may decide to post general membership minutes in the newsletter in lieu of reading them at the meeting.
The RS records minutes of all board meetings and reads past minutes at all meetings.
The RS types minutes and submits them to the president and the Board in a timely fashion.
The RS, in coordination with the president and treasurer, writes and sends official letters of communication for the HGC
The RS compiles all minutes and correspondence for the year and passes it on to the next RS.
1984 Janet Keating Carroll
1984-86 Lois Schneyer
1987-88 Camille Hawley Whitmore
1989 Lizabeth Johnson
1990 Nancy Lander-Robinson
1991 none
1992-94 Brigette Suter
1995 Cleta Elefritz
1996-97 Joyce Robinette
1998-00 Kate McNulty
2001 Mary Oldham
2002 Joyce Robinette
2003-04 Liz Johnson
2005 Linda Reinhardt
2006-08 Rachael Roe
2009 Paula Riley
2010 Roni Overway
2011-12 Jessica Ryan
2013-17 Brenda Adams
2018 -20 Roni Overway
2020-22 Ruth Dickerson
2022-23 Connie Cavasos
2023- Tina Seaton
The historian keeps a record of all Club activities using photographs, newsletters, minutes of membership and board meetings and all other written correspondence and materials whether they be electronic or paper.
The historian maintains these records in a timely fashion.
The historian passes on these records to the next historian in current and good order.
As a board member the historian advises the board on past board decisions and in so doing assists the board from reinventing the wheel.
1985-88 Edna Farsdahl and Janie Myers
1989-92 Janie Myers
1993-01 Liz Johnson
2003 Liz Johnson and Rosie Burgess
2001-08 Patrick Church
2009 Barbara Kennedy
2010-12 Michael Linden
2013-17 Sharon Froeschle
2018 - Elaine Burgess
The newsletter editor publishes 9 monthly newsletters per year which is an educational and informational communication for all members and interested parties.
The editor encourages the membership to contribute educational and informational articles of interest to gardeners in Alaska and the Homer area.
The editor distributes the newsletter by mail or email by the 15th of each month so that members receive information about upcoming meetings in a timely fashion.
The editor acts as the communication hub for the board and the membership. Any items that members would like to add to the newsletter are to be sent to the newsletter editor for consideration.
The editor, or her/his delegate, is responsible for securing ads for the newsletter. Cost of these ads is $40.00 each.
1984 Janet Keating Carroll
1984-86 Lois Schneyer
1987-88 Camille Hawley Whitmore
1989 Beth Cumming
1990 John/Donna Sigler
1991 Liz Johnson
1992-94 Beverly Guyton
1995-97 Mary Oldham
1998-99 Rosemary Fitzpatrick
2000-04 Kate McNulty and Elaine Grabowski
2005-2008 Pam Voeller and Elaine Grabowski
2009-2010 Pam Voeller and Kim Smith
2011- Paula Riley
The CM manager keeps a current membership list so that all members receive a newsletter as part of the member benefits.
CM manager produces a list of those members receiving the newsletter by US mail for the Newsletter Editor by the 15th of each month.
The CM manager distributes the newsletter by e-mail by the 15th of each month so that members receive information about upcoming meetings in a timely fashion.
The CM manager produces ad hoc reports from the data base as requested by the President.
The CM manager sends out occaisional group emails when requested by a member and approved by the president.
The CM manager keeps a current and regular backup of the member data base.
2012- Barbara Kennedy
The social secretary is the hospitality officer of the club.
The social secretary arranges for having refreshments at all meetings and the annual plant sale, this includes purchasing beverages and supplies.
The social secretary is a member of the Harvest Dinner committee.
1984 Aggie Blackmor
1984-86 Josie Bills
1987 Shirley Forquer
1988-91 Edna Farsdahl
1992-93 Vicky Hodnick
1994-95 Jeanne McArthur
1996-97 Pat Gross
1998 Beverly Guyton
1999 Sharon Bayer
1900 Roberta Harris
1901-02 Rose Beck
2003 Kathy Keifer and Donna Colliers
2004-05 Millie Lewis
2006 Christine Wickham and Allyn Lawrence
2007-08 Roni Overway and Barb Landi
2009 Roni Overway
2010-11 Julie Parizek
2012-14 Kate McNulty
2015-17 Jeannette Lawson
2020 - Michael Murray
The publicity chair places announcements by e-mail or hand delivery in local newspapers and provides radio stations with written public service announcements of all monthly meetings including the Harvest Dinner meeting in September.
The publicity chair posts notices of meetings at local businesses that provide public bulletin boards. A list of these places is in the Forms section of this book.
The publicity chair manages the HGC website and keeps it updated with calendar events, new photos, newsletters, and other items as decided by the Board.
Any social media sites established by the club will be managed by the publicity chair. At this time, Facebook is the only one.
The publicity chair establishes passwords and updates them as necessary for websites and social media and insures that all Board members are informed of the passwords.
2009-2010 Barb Landi
2011-2023 Julie Parizek
2023 - Astrid Friend