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Homer Garden Club
Annual Homer Garden Club Garden Tour
Sunday July 21, 2024
11AM - 5PM

Gardens in 2024
There are five beautiful gardens featured in this year’s garden tour. One is a magnificent view property with peonies, high tunnels and outdoor gardens. Another takes you on a walk on the wild side of the Homer bench to a Monet-like setting of flowers laid out with novel use of pallets, halibut poles and golf clubs. Up against the bluff, a shade garden amongst towering cottonwoods is the backdrop to showy peonies, vegetable boxes, fruit trees and a hothouse. A fourth garden is a masterful mix of flowers, vegetables, fruit trees, berries and high tunnel, all nurtured with devotion. Lastly, a meander amongst old growth spruce trees, fruit trees and berries reveals plots of wild, native flowers, vegetables and other blooms, adorned with found objects and pieces from the resident pottery studio.
Tickets for $15 go on sale June 1 at the Homer Bookstore (cash or check only).
Will call tickets may be purchased after June 1, by sending a check made out to the Homer Garden Club, PO Box 2833, Homer, AK 99603. Include your name, email and a phone number. Tickets may be picked up at the Homer Bookstore on Friday (7/19) or Saturday (7/20) between 11AM - 5PM. You can also pick up your tickets the day of the tour in the Homer Bookstore parking lot from 10AM - 12PM.

Small Garden Tour
Cancelled - sorry
The gardener's who volunteered are unable to have it at this time.

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