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Next Garden Club Meeting

 Sonja Martin Young, Aquaponics
Sunday, January 19th
 2PM- 430PM

Aspen Suites Hotel 


"Home Grown Aquaponics: How to grow greens year round.”


Raise your hand if you’d like to grow your own fresh greens all year long. Who wouldn’t! Sonja Martin Young, our January speaker, will tell us about her former venture, Alaska Aquaponics, and offer some tips and new ideas on how you can grow your own fresh greens in the midst of winter.


Come join us on Sunday, January 19, at 2 pm, at the Aspen Suites Hotel. Bring a friend, bring your questions!




     The Homer Garden Club is seeking a person to volunteer to be a Co-Vice-President. This person shares the duties of finding the 8 speakers for the monthly meetings with the other Vice President. To date five of the eight speakers have been scheduled.


     Contact to volunteer or get further information. 

Zoom Link for January 19th Meeting







Our Mission:  The Homer Garden Club was founded to educate and encourage gardeners and to provide positive experiences for gardeners at all levels of learning. Homer Garden Club is a non-profit organization. The club happily welcomes new members and visitors.


Baycrest Garden Project

Annual Spring Plant Sale

Annual Garden Tour

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